24 Oct 2017

Having met our Veterinary Officer, Steve Unwin, who is heavily involved in the Orangutan Veterinary Advisory Group (OVAG), in 2009 at the first OVAG meeting Yenny has since become a leading member of the steering committee. OVAG is a network of experts working in orangutan conservation, and aims to bring together those working with the species to share expertise, knowledge and the exchanging of ideas to move forwards with effective orangutan conservation.

Yenny explained that OVAG is like a family, allowing Indonesian vets working with orangutans to share their cases and work towards improving the standards of all orangutan centres in the country. Below she tells us a bit more about the threats faced by orangutans in her country and her passion for this incredible species:

Yenny, Indonesian vet, observing Chester Zoo vet team

Yenny, Indonesian vet, observing Chester Zoo vet team

OVAG team photo

OVAG group photo

We have been supporting OVAG for a number of years and Steve Unwin, our Veterinary Officer, has been involved working towards becoming a major force in shaping conservation medicine work across Indonesia and Malaysia.

We’ll catch up with what Yenny has been up to at Chester Zoo and our colleagues following her work placement in the UK.

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