National Conservation Zoo

Opening times today: 10am - 4pm (Last entry at 3pm)

In 2020, we established the first UK Charity Zoo Youth Board to help shape the future direction of the zoo and increase our engagement with teenagers and young adults.

From university students, teachers, marketers, and professionals from all walks of life, our Youth Board is made up of vibrant, diverse young people aged 18 to 27 years old. Each member brings a unique perspective and together provide a voice for young people in conservation. They have one mission – to help to prevent extinction.

Providing a voice for young people

Through working collaboratively with Trustees, Directors, zoo staff and networks, they enable the zoo to achieve its mission, with a particular focus on empowering the next generation of conservationists.

Members contribute to the Board on a voluntary basis, elect their own Chair and are accountable to the Board of Trustees. They provide a voice for young people and support the zoo to develop its programmes to appeal to teenagers and young adults. The board focuses its impact through working groups including external reach, commercial growth, public affairs, people and culture, and conservation education and engagement.

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Discover more

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Young voices in conservation

Meet some of our amazing board members and hear why they love being part of the Youth Board, making a real difference at Chester Zoo and the conservation sector.

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Youth Governance Toolkit

We believe young people offer skills and insight that can contribute to preventing extinction. Our Youth Board created this toolkit which aims to help organisations establish their own youth governance.

Im A Changemaker
Conservation Changemakers' Toolkit

Are you a young person aged 13-25 who is passionate about wildlife or environmental issues? We’ve created a Conservation Changemakers' Toolkit for aspiring young changemakers like yourself.

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Contact us

If you have any questions about our Youth Board feel free to email them via