Dr Jacqui Morrison

Conservation Scholar Alumni

  • Qualifications BSc Animal Behaviour & Welfare - University of Central Lancashire, 2011 MSc Conservation Biology - Manchester Metropolitan University, 2012 PhD Conservation Biology - Manchester Metropolitan University, ongoing
  • Focus area
  • Location


I’m Jacqueline Morrison, a PhD student at Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU), working in collaboration with Chester Zoo and Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS). I have a genuine passion for conservation management and in particular a keen interest in the topic of human wildlife conflict.

African elephants are currently found in 37 countries and have a vulnerable conservation status on the IUCN Red List. Their home ranges span up to 3,700km2 and they historically migrate large distances between the wet and dry seasons to obtain resources.

Despite numerous conservation efforts the future of elephants is unknown due to difficulties in obtaining reliable population estimates. A major perceived threat is population fragmentation due to human encroachment. With an increasing population growth in Kenya, traditional migration routes cross through agricultural farms resulting in a rapid increase in human-elephant conflict (HEC) due to crop raiding.

To mitigate this, fences are being erected around National Parks to confine the elephants. My PhD aims on investigating the effects confinement is having on the elephants by analysing stress hormones. I am also going to quantify the impact that confinement has on the forest habitat and vegetation structure.

Information on population and group dynamics will also be obtained to assist with the population census of African elephants. Outcomes from the research will be used to inform conservation management strategies.


Dr Bradley Cain (School of Science and the Environment, Manchester Metropolitan University)

Dr Martin Jones (School of Science and the Environment, Manchester Metropolitan University)

Dr Elias Symeonakis (School of Science and the Environment, Manchester Metropolitan University)

Dr Sue Walker (Chester Zoo)

Partners and Collaborators