Topic Wildlife

Category Birds

The Unity Centre worked with Chester Zoo to create habitats for wildlife in Chester city centre

Connect to nature

Go birdwatching
Each week we connected to nature using the Five Pathways to Nature Connectedness and Five Ways to Wellbeing. We explored: UK birds, how to I.D them and how to help; roles of insects, why they are important through games and why nature is so important for wellbeing.
A bug hotel made from a wooden pallet, sticks and leaves. A purplse sign on frint reads 'Bug Hotel'

Take action for wildlife

Make a wildlife walkway
Each week we made habitats to support urban wildlife including a watery walkway for hedgehogs, birds, insects and other wildlife to drink from. We planted lots of nectar rich native planting and made bug habitats to support insects. We also built 10 bird boxes to go into local parks.
A tray with gravel and logs in

Be a voice for change

Voice for change
We have been linking with other community groups to share our exploration and action for wildlife and create links to the wider community
A human female wearing a black head scarf and a black and white stripey top hold a wooden bird box on a table whilst a human male wearing a blue tshirt usese a screw driver to fix the box together using screws.