Topic Wildlife

Category Plants and fungi

A Conservation Hero story about creating a pond for all kinds of wildlife.

Connect to nature

Go water dipping for invertebrates
I went pond dipping in a pond that I created in my front garden! It was amazing to see how much life was using a habitat that I'd created for wildlife to use. I spotted several water boatman, pond snails, water skaters and dragon fly larvae. Plus it's been brilliant to see all of the plants thriving and birds bathing in it. The pond is made from half a whiskey barrel ii got for free of Facebook marketplace. Now, it's home to a whole world!

Take action for wildlife

How to make a bird bath
I created a pond out of a a half an old whiskey barrel! It sits in a place where it's not possible to dig a wildlife pond into the ground so this was a good alternative. I got the barrel for free from Facebook marketplace, I lined it with a pond liner and let it fill with rainwater. I put a mixture of pond plants in the water at various levels. It's been fantastic to see lots of wildlife engaging with the pond.

Be a voice for change

Voice for change
I shared images of this pond on my village Facebook page, along wider other pictures of the garden that I was creating. I wanted to let my neighbours know why I was making my front garden more wildlife friendly. Hopefully this encouraged others to do something similar. This space was once a patch of gravel, so I'm really happy to see a more diverse range of wildlife using the habitats I've been creating in it. I've noticed lots of insects and birds using the space. I hope to take photos of what is using the space to inspire others to do similar things in the village I live in.