Deforestation and Climate Change

The rainforests of the world are some of the most important habitats on our planet. Home to some of the world’s most endangered species of animals and plants. Sadly they are also one of the most threatened habitats, with huge areas of land cleared every year for agriculture or human development. Often referred to as the “lungs of the earth”, rainforests have a huge role in storing carbon and mitigating climate change.  

We have a number of resources to help talk about rainforests and climate change with your learners.

What, Where and Why?    

We have some fantastic resources to help you talk with your learners about the world’s rainforests.

Our handy video introduction will explore where you can find the world’s rainforests.

Use our activity sheet to explore the layers of the rainforest and identify which rainforests some of our favourite zoo animals are found in.

Introduction to Rainforests activity sheet

Hear from some Chester Zoo experts about why rainforests are important and why we need to protect them.

Deforestation and Palm Oil

One of the biggest threats to rainforests right now is the use of unsustainable Palm Oil. It has a huge impact on habitats, animal species and people. We have a number of videos to introduce this topic to your learners. Perfect as a conversation starter in a school assembly or to introduce an activity as part of a lesson.

Palm Oil and Deforestation – What’s the Problem?

Palm Oil and Deforestation – What’s the solution?

Peat, Palm Oil and Climate Change – how is it all connected?

Palm oil is found in so many of the products that we use every day, but simple actions can make a huge difference. Look for the RSPO logo on our food products to ensure that what we’re eating comes for a sustainable source.
Our Chocolate bar journey video is a great way of showing your learners how their choices can impact on rainforests and our climate.

Why not explore what products in the cupboards at home contain Sustainable Palm Oil. Use our Sustainable Palm Oil investigation activity to do some detective work.

Sustainable Palm Oil Investigation

And check out our Sustainable Palm Oil shopping list to plan your next weekly shop.

Sustainable Palm Oil Shopping List

Make a pledge to only use sustainable Palm Oil and protect Rainforests, our pledge activity sheet makes a great classroom display.

Sustainable Palm Oil Pledge

And our Palm Oil overview infographics are a great centrepiece or even just a useful overview of the problems and solution

Palm oil overview infographics


What happens next?

Well that’s up to us – the more we can protect the world’s forest by choosing deforestation free commodities, the better the outcome for our planet.

But what could happen next… our conservation consequences game is a fantastic way of exploring human impact on our planet. Designed to be played in small groups, it’s ideal for a whole class activity. A great way to involve your students in creative writing whilst engaging them in science, geography, social and economic issues.

Conservation Consequences Game